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Information about the founder of the presented methods

Tarasenko Vlada Ivanovna

Brief professional biography


Vlada Ivanovna Tarasenko - neuropsychologist (master), defectologist, pathopsychodiagnostician. Already 32 years is engaged in the work of his whole life - defectological and speech therapy correction of children with developmental delays.




Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Department of Medical Psychology and psychodiagnostics:
   •  Bachelor's degree in psychology with honors - 1998;
   •  Master’s degree in medical psychology with honors – 1999.



St. Petersburg State University, Department of Medical Psychology, postgraduate education, 1999-2000

Basic courses completed (1999-2000):

   - minimal brain dysfunction (MMD), its diagnosis, causes and treatment

   - neuroses in preschool children

   - principles, methods and scenarios for conducting play psychotherapy in children

   - psychotherapy of neuroses in children



Educational courses - the knowledge gained from them, I I use it in my homeand diagnostic practice:


   - Course of general massage, therapeutic massage for infants, therapeutic massage for children with developmental defects of the nervous system

   - Neuropsychological correction course

   - Correction of dysfunctions of the cerebral cortex using the method Tomatis therapy

   - Recovery damage in the cerebral cortex using micropolarization method

   - Immunology for clinicians

   - Method of mass spectrometry of microbial markers (MSMM) according to Osipov

   - Neuroinflammation and neuropsychiatric pathology


Work (1996-2009):

   - in the first center in Ukraine (!) for the rehabilitation of disabled children with delays mental development, which was discovered with the support of UNICEF (UN Children's Fund) – defectologist

   - in center for the rehabilitation of children with special needs in the Solomensky district of the city Kyiv - defectologist

   - after the closure of the center and to this day I am engaged in private practice - as defectologist and pathopsychodiagnostician


Main courses taken (1999-2007):

   - Autism. Diagnostics and directions of correctional work.

   - Ways and methods for diagnosing developmental disorders in children under 7 years of age

   - Deaf-blind children. Directions and principles of correctional work.

   - Individual correction programs for children with delays in psycho-speech development

Priority areas of work:

   restoration of speech, intellectual and motor disorders in children with developmental delays non-drug methods, namely: speech therapy programs of audiovocal training “High Frequency Therapy”; visual stimulation; by micropolarization and oxygen therapy.

Founder and director of Speech Recovery Centers in Ukraine and the CIS countries

Author of patented innovative methods for restoring all speech disorders; owner of more than a dozen patents for speech therapy correction and rehabilitation programs using voice and visual stimulation

Experience in practical everyday work – 32 years

Mother of 8 children



Patents and certificates:

Currently, the registration of a number of more patents and copyrights both in Ukraine and abroad is being completed.


Phone: +38 050 738 7858 ( Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp )
Head office: Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Olympia Galika, 75A
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